Reasons for using Knots in Maritime

Reasons for using Knots in Maritime

The speed units used in the seas are known as Knots. We would like to provide information for those who wonder what are the reasons for using knots in marine instead of miles. First of all, knots are more preferred because of the possibility of some technical problems in the use of spindles and it is a long-established tradition.

Knot means bond or knot as the word meaning. In times of lack of technology, former seafarers have developed a special mechanism for speed determination. The apparatus includes a chip, rope and an hourglass with a 28-second scale. This system is particularly suitable for marine vessels traveling between 2 and 10 nautical miles per hour.

Knot Application Phase

If we talk about the use of this system. Namely;

• While driving, the chip is thrown into the sea and the hourglass is started and speed measurement is started.

• As the boat will move while the plate is stationary at sea, the reel is wound and discharged.

• The discharge of the reel is also stopped when the hourglass runs out of the sand.

• The speed measurement of the boat is made by looking at the number of knots in the rope which is discharged.

This tradition has continued to be used as a speed measurement from the past to the present.