Cautions When Backing Up Boats

Cautions When Backing Up Boats

The backup process, which is a procedure for boats in distress at sea, is extremely important. Since all responsibility belongs to the backup person during this process, there are some precautions to be taken into consideration when backing up the boats. First of all, you need to know all the necessary information about the process before you help another boat.

Before you go to the point where the boat you will make a backup, you must get all kinds of information about my position. It is especially important to find out if there are any hazards in the area. After taking the boat to the reserve, you must tell the crew to neutralize the rudder and the exact average. You must then move your crew away from the area where you will be towing and tell them to sit down. Even the simplest human movement during the procedure will make it difficult.

Make sure that the rope that you will use during the towing process has a genus that can float on water. This type of rope is much more durable and more secure than the nylon ones. If the towing rope is loose while pulling the boat, it may suddenly become taut and break. To prevent this from happening, weights must be attached to the center of the rope.

After tying the rope as it should be, you must assign one of your crew to observe the rope. Since the tow rope is not on the water, it will damage your propeller and you must ensure that it is on the water during the process.

If the sea is undulating during the backup process, it is very difficult to adjust the distance between the two boats. In such cases, the most appropriate thing to do is to shorten the rope by yourself. If the weather is broken when you bring the boat to the harbor, you should first take your boat safety and then bring the boat back to you.

The equipment to be kept on the boat during the backup process is as follows;

• Backup rope

• Backing fathers and hooks

• Backup slingshot

• Locks and chains

The following points should be taken into consideration during the backup process.

• Use a thick rope that is sufficiently strong and long enough to suit the boat you are going to back up.

• If the backup operation is carried out in rough and harsh weather, the backup rope must be long enough to hold both boats above the waves.

• In the case of windy and windy weather, the distance between the two boats should be paid attention to and well adjusted.

• Precaution must be taken to prevent the Karaman strike.

• After tying the ropes, the boat rope that makes the backup operation must first stretch and then take heavy speed according to the wave and weather conditions.

• If the backup process is carried out during the day, the backup signs should be used.

This is generally the case when towing boats. When helping people, you must know them so as not to endanger your life and the lives of those you help.