7 Deniz

7 Deniz

7 Deniz (Sea) magazines, which offer a lot of content about maritime and are an important magazine in the sector, have the feature of being published bi-monthly. Thanks to the content it offers, it has managed to rapidly increase its readership. In addition to maritime activities, sea trade, port information, logistics information, and special interviews are among the topics of the journal. The magazine has its website. The contents published in the journal are regularly promoted through this website. This magazine is an important resource for enthusiasts who want to follow up to date information about maritime. In the interviews section of the magazine, it is possible to find the comments of people who have achieved important works in the sector. The magazine also has a serious follower of social media accounts such as facebook and twitter. The magazine also has a “Ship Building” section, which can be considered as an important section. The magazine, where important news from the industry is regularly presented, has a resource feature that is liked by those who want to get updated information. The content presented by the authors, whose articles are published in the journal, is worth following.